OSX 4.0 Asset Tracking in Place

Progress on OnScene Xplorer 4.0 is going very well. The work items list is shrinking and we’re getting down to a few remaining chunks of functionality.

Recently we added the asset tracking functionality. This support will be built-in to OSX4. Users will simply need to check a box and add a name of the unit to enable tracking.

While in-route to calls, all units in the department can be visible on the map display and aid incident commands to deploy the response. Now that we are tracking our beta units, we start to add in features we have on OSX3, like pausing the reporting of positions while the unit is in the station or on-scene.

Once OSX4 is released, we plan to add functionality to enable a department to share their asset locations with other departments. Cooperation like this enhances the situational awareness of all units responding to an incident.

The current OSX3’s functionality is named “Asset Tracker.” We’re not sure if OSX4 will need a separate product name for asset tracking. It will just be part of the core OnScene Xplorer 4.0.